Muhammad Mehboob ur Rasool

I am a Teacher

Muhammad Mehboob ur Rasool

I am Muhammad Mehboob ur Rasool.(M.Sc Physics). A Teacher,a Graphic Designer,Artist,Creative Admin Support, a Photographer.

  • House no 128/D Housing Scheme Gujar Khan
  • +923438522663

My Professional Skills

Teaching Mathematics and Physics, Graphic Designer, Social Media Marketing , Social Media Post Production

Graphic Design 90%
Mathematics 90%
Physics 90%
Video Editing 80%


I can teach and help mathematics and physics at any level .

Graphic Designing

I can do any type of graphic designing work.

Technical Solution

I can solve and fix any type of technical problem related to your computer and laptop(Software) .

completed project
design award
facebook following
current projects
  • How to Make Money By Solving Assignments

    How to Make Money As a Tutor.

    Some people will have questions on certain subjects, so lets make money to answer the questions, yes you can make an extra money by School Solver platform.
    If you have any expertise in your related subject,  you can also filter this out and sort by whatever category it is that you can answer.
    For example, if somebody is asking for an accounting question, you can go ahead and check that out as well.

    Some questions of these are marked as urgent, so they need answers right , and you just browse through them, see what you can answer and start making some extra money.
    Once you have it, you will receive money in your School Solver account to withdraw money from your account. Payments are done via PayPal and can be requested in your account page.

    Muhammad Mehboob ur Rasool

  • CSS 2020 Preparation Guide
  • What Could Change Market Momentum? The Answer Is Pure Physics

    The first law of physics is that an object will remain at rest or in a uniform state of motion unless that state is changed by an external force. To a great degree, that same principle applies to momentum in the stock market. Momentum will continue until some outside force in the form of news or emotions exerts force on the price action.
    Some folks may scoff at the application of physics to the stock market, but the principle is fundamental to most everything in the world. Behavior and movement doesn't change unless there is some outside force of sufficient magnitude to change it.
    I've often written a simplistic variation of this idea, which is that trends tend to last longer and go further than most people think is reasonable. Trying to apply "reasonableness" to the stock market doesn't work well, because it is not a sufficient outside force to kill momentum.
    When we contemplate the current market action, what is a force that may eventually come into play and change the market direction?
    The most obvious answer is an actual "phase one" trade deal between Washington and Beijing. The market has gained momentum in continuous headlines and stories about how a trade deal is progressing and will eventually be accomplished. Those stores keep the momentum going and there is no other force to stop it.
    Once an actual trade deal is completed that catalyst will disappear. Eventually, there will be talk about a "phase 2" deal to serve the same purpose, but that time frame is long enough that it won't have an immediate impact.
    An actual trade deal now would be such an obvious "sell the news" event that we have to wonder if it will work. We won't know until the news finally occurs how it will play out, but it is the outside force that can change the trajectory of the market action.
    As I write, the indexes continue to sail along to the upside and hit new highs. Breadth is running 4,200 gainers to 3,100 decliners, and there are around 600 new 12-month highs. The first law of physics appears to be working well for the bulls, but at some point that outside force will hit and that will require us to react.
  • This voracious black hole is so vast, physics says it should be impossible

    Astronomers with the Chinese Academy of Sciences have announced the discovery of a black hole within our galaxy that they claim has a mass 70 times greater than our Sun. The startling discovery dashes what was previously believed to be the upper limit for a black hole’s mass — one typically thought to top out at around 20 times the mass of our Sun.
    The study detailing the findings was recently published in the prominent scientific journal Nature, where the researchers describe their massive discovery. The black hole has been named LB-1 and is located around 15,000 light-years from Earth. The discovery was made possible using a popular technique that involves looking for stars orbiting an object that is invisible.
    The majority of known black holes were discovered by detecting the x-ray emissions produced when they destroy a nearby star. This process quite obviously has one big limitation: the discovery of the black hole is dependent upon whether it is caught shredding a companion star. This is a relatively uncommon activity, meaning most black holes have gone undetected.
    Surveying the sky using modern technology has proven common and useful for detecting black holes over the last few years. In the case of this latest study, the researchers used the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope that belongs to China. Once an unusual star orbit was detected, the team used two of the biggest telescopes in the world — one located in Spain and the other in the US — to assess the properties of the invisible object.
    The scientists concluded that the detected system features a black hole with a mass 70 times our Sun that is being orbited by a star that is eight times heavier than our star. This orbit takes 79 days to complete. National Astronomical Observatory of China Professor LIU Jifeng who lead the research team said of the discovery:
    Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our Galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution … they should not leave behind such a massive remnant. LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible.
  • What is Thermodynamics?

    "Part of the physics in which the relationships between heat and the other forms of energy are studied."
    Thermodynamics (from the Greek thermo, which means "heat" and dynamis, which means "force") is the branch of physics that describes the states of equilibrium at the macroscopic level. It constitutes a phenomenological theory, based on deductive reasoning, that studies real systems, without modeling and follows an experimental method. The equilibrium states are studied and defined by means of extensive magnitudes such as internal energy, entropy, volume or molar composition of the system, or by means of non-extensive magnitudes derived from the previous ones such as temperature, pressure and chemical potential; Other quantities such as magnetization, electromotive force and those associated with the mechanics of continuous media in general can also be treated by means of thermodynamics.
    It is important to emphasize that Thermodynamics offers a formal apparatus applicable only to equilibrium states, defined as that state towards "the one that every system tends to evolve and characterized in that in it all the properties of the system are determined by intrinsic factors and not by influences previously applied external. " Such terminal states of equilibrium are, by definition, independent of time, and the entire formal apparatus of Thermodynamics - all laws and thermodynamic variables - are defined in such a way that it could be said that a system is in equilibrium if its properties they can be consistently described using thermodynamic theory. The equilibrium states are necessarily consistent with the contours of the system and the restrictions to which it is subject. By means of the changes produced in these restrictions (that is, by removing limitations such as preventing the expansion of the volume of the system, preventing the flow of heat, etc.), the system will tend to evolve from one state of equilibrium to another; comparing both equilibrium states, Thermodynamics allows to study the processes of mass and thermal energy exchange between different thermal systems. To have greater handling, it is specified that heat means "energy in transit" and dynamic refers to "movement", so, in essence, thermodynamics studies the circulation of energy and how energy infuses movement. Historically, thermodynamics developed from the need to increase the efficiency of the first steam engines.
    Typical thermodynamic system showing the input from a heat source (boiler) on the left and the output to a heat sink (condenser) on the right. The work is extracted in this case by a series of pistons.
    As a phenomenological science, thermodynamics is not concerned with offering a physical interpretation of its magnitudes. The first of these, internal energy, is accepted as a macroscopic manifestation of the laws of conservation of energy at the microscopic level, which allows to characterize the energy state of the macroscopic system.The starting point for most thermodynamic considerations are the principles of thermodynamics, which postulate that energy can be exchanged between systems in the form of heat or work, and that it can only be done in a certain way. A magnitude called entropy is also introduced, which is defined as that extensive function of internal energy, volume and molar composition that takes maximum equilibrium values: The principle of maximization of entropy defines the sense in which the system evolves from one state of equilibrium to another. It is Statistical Mechanics, intimately related to Thermodynamics, which offers a physical interpretation of both magnitudes: internal energy is identified with the sum of the individual energies of the atoms and molecules of the system, and entropy measures the degree of order and the dynamic state of the systems, and has a very strong connection with information theory. In thermodynamics, the interactions between different systems are studied and classified, which leads to defining concepts such as thermodynamic system and its contour. A thermodynamic system is characterized by its properties, related to each other through state equations.
    With these tools, thermodynamics describes how systems respond to changes in their environment. This can be applied to a wide variety of science and engineering topics, such as motors, phase transitions, chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and even black holes. The results of thermodynamics are essential for chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, etc., to name a few.
  • What is Physics?

    Hi everyone welcome to my blog and this is a channel for all your county to excel on the best.The nature around us is colorful and diverse. It contains a large number of phenomenon, such as the planets, the wind, the sand, the water, the rainbow hitting of objects on rubbing function of human body the energy coming from the Sun and the nucleus and so on a large number of events are taking place around us. 

    Physics is the study of nature and its law and therefore we expect that these different events in nature takes place according to some basic laws. The revealing of these law of nature from the observed event is Physics.For example the orbiting of the moon around the earth, falling of an apple from a tree and tides in the sea on the full moon night, this can all be explained if we know Newton's law of gravitation and Newton's law of motion. Physics is concerned with the basic rules which are applicable to all domains of life understanding of physics therefore leads the application in many fields including biology and Medical Sciences.

    The great physicist Dr RP Fynmen has given a wonderful description of what is understanding the nature. Suppose we do not know the rules of chess but are a lot to watch the moves of the player if we watch the game for a long time we may make out some rules with the knowledge of these rules we may try to understand why a player played a particular move however this may be a very difficult task even if we know all the rules of chess it is not simple to understand all the complexity of a game in a given situation and predict the correct move knowing the basic rules is however the minimum requirement if any progress in the move one may understand a rule incorrectly if one is only partially involved in watching the game the experienced player may make use of a rule for the first time and the observer of the game may get surprised because of the new move some of the rules guests may prove to be wrong and the observer will frame new rules physics goes the same way the nature around us is like a big chase game played by nature the event in the nature are like the moves of great game we are a lot to watch the events of nature and guess at the basic rules according to which the events takes place. We may come across new events which did not follow the rules gives earlier and we may have to declare the old rules in applicable or wrong and discover new rules since physics is the study of nature, it is real no one has been given the authority to frame the rules of Physics. We only discovered the rules that are operating in nature the scientist like RP Fynman are great resists because from the observation available at that time they could guess and frame the laws of physics which explain this observation in convincing way. 


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    How to Make Money By Solving Assignments

    How to Make Money As a Tutor. Some people will have questions on certain subjects, so lets make money to answer the questions, yes you c...


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